Monday, August 27, 2012

Do You Think A Fish Would Be Happy On A Sandy Beach?

I am reading a book called, ' The Christian Atheist ' by Craig Groeschel. It's about believing in God but living as if He doesn't exist.

In one of his chapters, he talks about when you believe in God but pursue happiness at any cost.

Groeschel uses a really good analogy when he talks about why the things of this world will never make us happy.

So the million dollar question is: Do you think a fish would be happy on a sandy beach? The obvious answer is, of course not. Why? Because he was made for the water. Anything apart from the water will leave him wanting for the place for which he was created.

Groeschel continues on by asking you to imagine we gave our fish friend $100,000 in cold, hard, tax-free cash. Do you think the fish would be happy now? Suppose we gave him a cold Corona and a Playfish magazine. Again, he would not be happy. No matter what we give the fish on the beach, it won't satisfy him. There is nothing that could make that fish happy on the beach, because he isn't made for the beach. The sand is not his home.

The same is true for us. The Earth is not our home. We are not happy with the things of this world because we're not made for the world! We were made to dwell forever with our Lord in heaven. (See Philippians 3:20)

That's why no amount of money, new house, new living room furniture, new kitchen appliances, new clothes, new hair, new baby, new vacation, new job, new income, new spouse, or anything will ever satisfy us, because we were not made for the things of this world.

When we believe the things of this world will provide happiness, we're settling for counterfeit. I don't know about you, but I want the real deal!

Real happiness is found only in the Lord, and when we find it we'll understand, perhaps for the first time, how blessed we really are.


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