Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Legacy I Want To Leave My Children

I was blessed with two wonderful parents. Both of which are no longer here with us. Yes, there are days that I miss them terribly. But there are also days when I rejoice and remember the wonderful memories we shared together.

My family has always been huge Clemson Tiger fans. In fact, my parents started taking me to Clemson football games when I was four years old. Been loving football ever since! GO TIGERS!!!

I have some very fond memories of the times I shared with my parents at those games. We would always tailgate before and after the games. Clemson is famous for the agriculture department and make some delicious ice cream. So we made trips to the Clemson ice cream shop quite often.

When my boys were born my parents would take my entire family to the football games. Good times!

Football games, tailgating, and Clemson ice cream always bring joy to my heart because it reminds me of my precious parents.

When me and my husband are called home, I want my boys to have special memories of the times we shared together.

Three years ago today, my Dad had a major heart attack. He lived through it, but only for 16 months. Those 16 months were bittersweet. Dad suffered a lot those 16 months, but we also had some very sweet moments with God together that I would not trade for the world.

Today, on the 3rd anniversary of my Dad's heart attack, I took my boys on a field trip to Clemson. We went around the different parts of the campus, but most importantly by the football stadium --Death Valley-- Home of the CLEMSON TIGERS! We couldn't leave out a visit to get some of their famous ice cream. And what would a trip to Clemson be without buying some Clemson apparel?

The legacy I want to leave my children is remembering us enjoying each other wherever we were.

Children spell love with four letters: T-I-M-E. Not just quality time, but hang time, downtime, anytime, all the time.

Your children are not your hobby; they are your calling.


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