Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Why Do People Think They Have To Live Up To The World's Standards?

The world has a very distorted view of family and there's distraction everywhere we turn to keep us from what God wants a family to be.

God is big on family!

Your greatest most important ministry is your family.

You've probably heard a million times, 'watch what you do your kids are watching you.' You've probably even said that a million times. There's even a song "O be careful little eyes."

I don't understand why people think they have to live up to the world's standards. The Bible says we are to be imitators of Christ, NOT each other.

We have been given such a huge gift. The gift of faith and we not only have the opportunity but we have the responsibility to share that gift with our family.

When our children see us spending time with God and when they understand what that means do you know they will want the same thing. They will want to learn more. They will want what you have!

You've been given a gift, share that gift with the people you love. They won't know or understand until you stand up and show them.

Ask God to draw you so close to Him that your children see God in you, even in the hardest of times. They see peace even when it makes no sense. They see joy when there's no reason to be joyful. So when they do come to the end of themselves, they remember parents who turned to Christ for strength. Parents who prayed. Parents who caught them doing things right and noticed. Parents who stood firm as they trusted their children to grow and become better individuals. They'll know God is real.

It's time to be brave and take your family away from the worlds view and show them Gods way.


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