Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Promiser Keeps His Promises

Faith is accepting the fact that God knows better than I do what is ultimately good for me. It is depending on God's enablement to live and be blessed in a fallen world rather than insisting He change it.

God has a greater purpose than our immediate comfort; that getting what we want, when we want it, is not always the best for us or glorifying to God.

I've realized that my trust in God sometimes comes with a clause. I trust God, if He acts the way I expect Him to. I trust God, as long as He solves this problem. I trust God, when I clearly see the answer.

We should trust God PERIOD!

Our faith in God gives Him the opportunity to demonstrate in a spectacular, unmistakable way that His power and grace are totally sufficient for our needs.

Trust Him when you can't see the big picture or the end of the story. Trust Him when the worst
happens and you just don't understand why.

Even when our hopes are crushed, there is glory ahead.

If we don't trust God, we set ourselves up for disappointment, discouragement, and
disillusionment. We end up blaming God, becoming offended with Him when He doesn't keep the
promise or fulfill His Word, as we understood it.

When Jesus was crucified the disciples thought it was a tragic mistake. For three days they
were lost in hopeless grief and terrified horror because they just didn't understand why God would do that! But Sunday came! Then they understood it had not been a tragic mistake but the glorious will of God, Who always knows best! Because it was through the Cross and the Resurrection that God's purpose for the life of Jesus was fulfilled and our redemption was
accomplished! For three days the disciples had totally missed the blessing of what God was
doing because they didn't trust Him to know best.

I don't want to live life missing miracles. They are all around us, if we just remember to look.

We all live lives of quiet desperation, yet getting trapped in the mundane was never God's
intention for our life. He wants us to not only LIVE victoriously, but to display that victory so others will be drawn to Him!

Faith is...cleansing to worry, leaving the future to the God who controls the future.

Remember, The Promiser ALWAYS keeps His promises!

In His Love,

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