Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Discipline Is A Mark Of Love

Solomon reminds us "for the LORD disciplines the one He loves." If you are venturing down the wrong path, God loves you too much to allow you to keep going the way you are heading.

Discipline is not God's way of getting even or His means of retaliating for the wrongs you have committed. When God disciplines you He is not getting you back; He is drawing you back. He seeks to bring you back to His will, back from that which will destroy you, and back toward living a godly life that pleases Him.

Often when we are convicted of sin, we become grouchy while God is dealing with us. Until we admit our sin, become ready to turn from it, and ask for forgiveness, we feel a pressure that squeezes out the worst we have in us. As soon as we come to agreement with God, our peace returns and our behavior improves.

God loves us just the way we are, but He refuses to leave us that way. Receive His discipline as an act of love.

Humbled and undeserving,

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