Thursday, May 31, 2012

Guilty Of Running Ahead

Sometimes I’m guilty of running ahead of God.  I see an opportunity, conditions look good, and I move forward.  However, if our movements don’t fit into God’s plan then it doesn’t matter how good the opportunity looked in the first place.

Satan doesn't usually try to tempt us with the ridiculously evil, but with the seemingly good. We take a good thing and turn it into a God thing. The problem isn't with our is with our priorities.

Waiting on God brings us to the journey's end quicker than our feet. - Mrs. Charles E. Cowman

Just because it's more convenient or faster doesn't mean it's the best way. Sometimes being open to what you weren't expecting is the best way to find what you were looking for all along.

We need to remember that there are no short-cuts to anyplace worth going.

His timing may seem slow to us, but His timing is certain!

People get into trouble when they think they can do life without God. I need God...That's it! When I choose to live this truth, everything else falls into place. We mortals make a mess of things when we run ahead of God. God has created a world that unfolds according to His timetable, not ours...thank goodness!

God is the only one Who could justifiably control us and yet He regains from doing so. He gives us freedom to choose. When I think I'm the boss and God simply does as I wish, I'm in deep yogurt!

Many of us have discovered that when we get "our glass slipper", it doesn't fit. "God's glass slipper" always fits.

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, as to have the life that is waiting for us.

Depend on it, God's work for your life done in God's way will never lack God's supplies or God's timing.

He ALWAYS answers prayer when we wholeheartedly seek His guidance, He is there and so is His answer. Just be ready for the answer that waits for you. Because we are fallible human beings, we are impatient for things to happen. But, God knows better.

God's plan does not always happen in the way we would like or at the time of our own choosing. But our task, as believers who trust in a benevolent, all-knowing Father, is to wait patiently for God to reveal Himself. And reveal Himself He will. ALWAYS. But until God's perfect plan is made known, we must walk in faith and never lose hope. And we must continue to trust Him...ALWAYS.


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