Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Love Is Why We Are Here

As Thanksgiving approaches, I want to really focus my heart in the right place.

It’s easy to get caught up in the holiday shuffle. And most times, this flurry of activity doesn’t cultivate in me a thankful heart.

Although we may be busier than ever, the key to slowing life down lies within the simple things.

The things that we sometimes overlook.

Love is the greatest force on earth, and is why we are here.

Love is a verb. Love is not just a feeling; it is an action. It is most evident in what you do, for there will be days when you will be called to love even when you may not have feelings of love.

Love is a choice. Understanding this concept will change your life significantly and may determine your ability to maintain lifelong happiness.

Love never ends.

Bumps in the road are an inevitable part of life that softens us, make us grow, and bestow upon us the virtue of compassion. For everyone we meet is carrying a cross.

How grand God is! He knows how dependent we are on Him for the everyday joy we need to carry on. And every day, He provides us with beauty all around to cheer and help us.

It may be through the smile of a child or a grateful face of the one we care for. Just today, as my youngest son and I were going to pick up my oldest from school, we saw a elderly lady walking with a cane, slowly making her way to her mailbox to get her mail. I stopped the car and told my son to get the sweet lady's mail for her so she wouldn't have to walk the entire way. He jumped out of the car and told the lady that he would get her mail for her. She stopped and gave him a big smile. He walked over to her and handed her the mail. She was so grateful! It's the little things that mean so much.

A smile of encouragement at the right moment may be the turning point for a troubled life. Sometimes we feel that we are all alone, as life brings us challenges to overcome and hardships to bear. But when we least expect it, help can appear. It may be a kind word from a stranger or a phone call at just the right time, and we are suddenly surrounded with the loving grace of God. Miracles happen every day because angels are everywhere.

Remember that what you make happen for others, God will make happen for you. Be someone's angel today....and every day.


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