Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Where The Mind Goes, The Man Follows

It's amazing how quickly and completely our thoughts can change our moods. Negative thinking of any kind quickly steals my joy and causes a variety of bad moods because negativity is a trait of Satan.

No matter how dark your circumstances, God can redeem them.

Plan A is always our first choice in life because it's our choice. But God sometimes has a different plan...Plan B. This plan sometimes SEEMS to be the upside-down, inside-out version where nothing goes as WE think it should. It's at this point the real test of our character comes in. We need to be more concerned with our character than our reputation...because our character is who we really are, while our reputation is merely what others think we are. When our life doesn't go as WE planned, do we wallow in self-pity and negative thoughts and play the victim or simply shift gears and make the best of the situation? The choice is ours. After all....life is all about how you handle Plan B.

When must stop merely waiting for something good to happen and take action to ensure something good will happen.

When we are negative and gloomy, other people don't enjoy being with us, and when our thoughts are down, everything else goes down with them. People who tend to be negative in their thoughts and conversation are usually unhappy and rarely content with anything very long. Even if something exciting happens, they soon find something wrong with it. As soon as they see one thing wrong, they tend to fix their minds on it; any enjoyment they might have is blocked by focusing on the negative. Satan is always fishing, hoping to catch someone in his trap; don't take his bait!

We have the ability to make ourselves happy or sad by what we choose to think. We can control what we think, and we can choose our thoughts. We don't have to meditate on everything that pops into our minds. We can break up with bad habits and form good habits. Learning to think great thoughts on purpose is the key to a great life. Lord, may Your light be the fire in my soul!

If we want rainbows in this life we gotta have rain. When the rain comes we gotta pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and go out and look for puddles to play in. We gotta train ourselves to look for the good in every situation. For when we focus on the Lord, He will bring us through. He's always giving us more opportunities to glorify Him in the daily events of our lives. There is ALWAYS a rainbow surrounding Christ.

However good or bad a situation is, it will change. But His light is always on me, even through darkness, even in rain. So no matter what is happening, no matter how I feel, I choose to look for the good and praise God!

A positive thought: The blue sky of Heaven is much larger than the dark clouds.

Don't take a chance with your life because life doesn't end here. Life goes on for eternity. Your eternity will either be in Heaven or Hell. It's your choice.

There are no surrogate promises with God. So stop talking trash and start talking truth to your heart.


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