Tuesday, December 20, 2011

I Choose God's Strength Over My Strength Every Day Of The Week And Twice On Sunday

We are taught to remain in God's love so that we won't tie our happy to anything but God. So that our joy will be complete.

I'll admit that when I get stressed I love to eat. "Comfort food", I call it. All the starchy stuff. All the carb stuff. All the stuff that is bad for your health.

Over the years I have gone up and down with my weight. I have had some really stressful times in my life, especially when my parents were ill. Mom had cancer and Dad had heart disease.

I've tried every diet that is out there. They seemed to work for a while, but I couldn't stay on these types of diets for the rest of my life, so the weight eventually started creeping back on.

I realized having a pity party was a clue I was relying on my own strength, not God's. I finally gave my health issues over to God. And when I did I started seeing amazing results, not just the weight loss part, but saw an improvement in my overall health.

Back in October I went to an internist because I was fatigued all the time and my regular doctor could not seem to get my thyroid medicine regulated. Once I gave my internist my complete family history she ordered a ton of tests. One being the Berkeley test, which is a heart test. The results showed that I had inherited one of the genes that causes heart disease. Both of my parents were also diabetic, so my internist took me off of carbs and sugars. For exercise, she encouraged 45 minutes to an hour of cardio sessions and 20-30 minutes of resistance training. This change in lifestyle has given me more energy. I sleep better. I have lost weight. But the most important thing is my overall health is so much better.

When I was first tested, my insulin was 8. It is now 3. PRAISE GOD! The ApoE Genotype(the gene I inherited from my Dad) was 4.5 and went down to .5 which is great because they wanted it below 1.

I have been using a lot of Jamie Eason's recipes. For those of you who don't know who Jamie Eason is, she is a fitness model and writer for Oxygen Magazine. She had a health scare some years ago and committed to clean eating. And, an added benefit is...She looks amazing!

Weakness is hard, but it doesn't have to mean defeat. It is our opportunity to experience God's power firsthand.

I'm not on a diet. I'm on a journey with Jesus!

Humbled and undeserving,

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