Thursday, September 6, 2012

Life Is One Giant Equation

Life is one giant equation. And the answer depends on me, and Jesus. I have to trust the rules, follow the steps, make careful calculations. I have to learn to think in terms greater than what I know. I must understand that there is more than just what I can see, control.

Boy, what an afternoon! I had an appointment with my Neuro Opthamologist today. Several tests were done. Basically my optic nerve has been damaged from my past Optic Neuritis, hence the reason I can't see well out of that eye. But he is not sure why I am having pain behind my eye, swelling in my cheek under that eye, and swelling in my hands, feet and legs. Says it could be from an underlying problem, possibly an autoimmune disease. I am being referred to a Rheumatologist to see if they can figure it out. In the meantime, the Neuro Opthamologist wrote me a prescription for eyeglasses to see if it will help with my headaches and, of course, my eyesight.

Jesus is at work. He is taking my life’s negatives and creating positive; He is re-writing my equation. He is ordering the terms, placing my factors in just the right place at the right time; He is showing me that opposition reveals my true identity.

He specializes in the difficult, the abstract, the contradictory, the incalculable. He isn’t bound by rules and formulas and laws; He makes them.

Whatever you are going through, don't let Satan discourage you. Instead, be encouraged because God knows, He sees, He cares. He holds the final answer to your life’s equation, and He’s actively working, ordering your steps and defining the variables. Trust Him—He knows what He’s doing.

My God is strong and mighty...My God is faithful...My hope is in the Lord...For He is able...Can you tell I'm using these lyrics as my mantra?

Please continue to pray for me and my family.


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