Thursday, September 13, 2012

If God Is Everywhere, Why Does He Seem So Far Away?

If God is everywhere, why does He seem so far away? The answer to that question, of course has nothing to do with God and everything to to with us.

Are you tired, discouraged or fearful? Be comforted because God is with you.

I am a little discouraged today. Found out late yesterday that I have to wait until October 8th to see the Rheumatologist. My pain in my head and eye has spread to my neck, shoulders, and upper back and I continue to have the swelling. I am scared that I have Lupus or something very similar. But I know that trusting God isn't something you can just say, or something you can talk about. Trusting God is something you have to do. You have to trust that he will protect you, and lead you... you have to trust that he will not let you go astray. Trusting God is letting go of your worries, and letting him handle it. Trusting God is remembering that there is nothing that He cannot take care of, and there is nothing He cannot fix.

But God does not dispense strength and encouragement like a druggists fills your prescription. The Lord doesn't promise to give us something to take so we can handle our weary moments. He promises us Himself. That is all. And that is enough. ~ Charles Swindoll

God's silence is in no way indicative of His activity or involvement in our lives. He may be silent, but He is not still. ~ Charles Swindoll

God is working on our behalf.

The Lord is the One who will go before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid or discouraged. - Deuteronomy 31:8

I SOOO needed this today! I hope and pray it will encourage you as well.



  1. That was very encouraging to me. I will pray for you and hope you will pray for me. What keeps me going is knowing that Jesus knows the outcome for me already and he chose it to further is kingdom. It can get exhausting to bounce from doctor to doctor with no answers.

  2. I will certainly pray for you, my friend! When hard times come, many people start to doubt God's goodness. I think we are all guilty of this from time to time. But troubles are just part of living in this imperfect world. God can use our troubles to grow our faith if we let Him.
