Friday, October 12, 2012

Are You A Warrior Or Just A Peacekeeper?

God has called us to be warriors. I think sometimes we forget that. We remember the “peacekeeping, kind” part about being a believer and Christian. We forget that we are to fight a battle. We forget that we are to stand up and speak out.

God calls us into action. We were never meant to stay behind our locked doors at home and not get involved in this world that He has placed us in. On the contrary; we were meant to be engaged and to fight for what is right.

The message of God's people is not merely to go into the world and tell people to love one another or to put bumper stickers on our cars that exhort "Coexist". Why not? Because the world knows this already! What we and the world need is to know the source of the power of Love. Our message is not simply love one another. It is about the grace of God that gives us the power to love one another. Without the grace of God we cannot love one another as Jesus loves us.

It is impossible for hatred and grace to coexist. We cannot just coexist because to do so would be negligent on the part of Christians.

Love for one another is first marked by righteous relationships with each other based on God's righteousness and Word. For love to be genuine, it must be righteous. Genuine love must make judgements about what is righteous and what is not on the basis of God's Word. There is huge difference between making righteous judgements about what is righteous behavior and becoming another person's judge. God calls us to make judgements about righteous behavior, yet we are not to be another's judge.

The definition of coexist is: To exist together or at the same time; to exist separately or independently but peaceably, often remaining rivals or adversaries. In one word, Coexist=Tolerate...Tolerating Sin Is Sin!

The main thing that is wrong with coexist is that it isn't biblical. We are not to tolerate sin. When we do tolerate it, we are sinning!

When we exhort to "Coexist" we are not loving one another at all. In fact, it's just the opposite. We are being very cruel. You are telling people to believe what they want to believe while you have the truth. We are being unloving by withholding the truth from them.

I read a great analogy the other day that I would love to share with you: Coexisting would be like saying that you are out driving your car and you stop your car just in time where a bridge is out. You slam on your brakes right before you are about to plunge to your death. But instead of warning all the other drivers of the impending danger and their eminent death, you drive back up the road a mile or two from where the bridge is out. You want to be polite and you don't want to bother or inconvenience anyone. So you just smile and wave as they drive on by. You do this with the knowledge that they are going to die in a few short minutes.

God has commanded us to share our faith with others (Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15). Don't smile and wave at people feeling good about yourself and how tolerant you are while people are heading for Hell.

It is most evident that our country is going to hell in a hand basket because as Billy Graham quote states,
"Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone - except God." - Billy Graham

Have you tried to be a warrior for the Lord or have you been content being the peacekeeper and staying behind your safe walls?


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