Thursday, October 18, 2012

Character-Building Troubles

For the last five months I've had some visual loss in my right eye. But just by looking at me, you probably wouldn't notice it. There's just some swelling in my cheek and around my eye. It always feels like I've got something stabbing me behind that eye. It is definitely painful!

Yes, I still ask Him to heal my eye, but I've been reminded that my eyes are a loan from God. They have always belonged to Him, just like the rest of me. He can do whatever He wants with me, so He also gets to do whatever He wants with my eyes.

I have never considered how my eyesight can be used to serve Him, but if necessary, I am willing to consider how losing it can be.

I don't WANT there to be something permanently wrong with my eyes, don't get me wrong! I have enjoyed my 20/20 vision my entire life thus far and I really don't want to lose it!! I am definitely hoping and praying that October 29th's doctor's appointment will yield answers and healing. But if it doesn't, you know what? It's okay. Because God is in control!

I had optic neuritis in June. The doctor says my optic nerve is no longer swollen, but obviously something else is causing my pain now. So my rheumatologist is trying to figure it out, suspecting some kind of auto immune disease to be the culprit.

I think these past 7 years is the first time in my life that I've really taken my faith seriously and tried to really understand how it's supposed to make my life look. It is, after all, supposed to be a TRANSFORMING faith.

I don't want to quit learning. I don't want to quit growing wiser. I don't want to quit changing. Because, dang it, I want that crown!! I am today what I have been in the process of becoming over the past 41 years. Forty one years from now, I will be the product of what I have been continuing to become.

God promises that our momentary, character-building troubles are also building something much eternal glory that out weighs them all!

I am thankful for continually being pulled out of my comfort zone. I am thankful for knowing that He hears my prayers and will answer, even if the answer is not the one I was expecting. As my Loving Father, I can be sure that all His gifts are good.


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