Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Be A Dandelion For Jesus!

Dandelions....No matter how carefully I try to pull one up, I never get the whole thing. The root stays deep in the ground, threatening to grow up and blossom again.

The Dandelion seed head is white (representing cleansing- Jesus washed our sins as white as snow.) and globular (round, like the earth) in appearance. Each seed has a tiny parachute, to spread far and wide in the wind. They are more difficult to get rid of and grow under more adverse circumstances than most competitors. Dandelions are especially well-adapted to a modern world of "disturbed habitats" such as lawns and sunny, open places. They grow everywhere regardless of good or bad soil. We, as believers, need to be sowing the seed of the gospel in many places and many ways.

Dandelions are ignored or attacked, never nurtured or cared for, and yet they always bloom profusely. They demand no pampering or special attention to yield their bright blossoms; they pop up in fields, in lawns, and between cracks in the sidewalk.

Dandelions sneak through the boundaries and pop their sunny yellow faces up in the surrounding lawn. They never stay put!

Believers should be more like dandelions. Our sunny yellow faces should be a reminder that simple faith has deep roots that are impossible to dislodge. Our vast number would show the world that even though we are not fancy or pampered we are evident everywhere, even in the cracks of a sidewalk.

We need to get out of our gardens and jump across the boundaries that keep us where people expect to find us. We need to show our sunny yellow faces in all the spots that need a little brightening up.

Some of the sweetest believers I have know would not qualify as handsome or pretty by the world's standard. Yet when they smile, the light of Jesus glows out of them.

Be a Dandelion for Jesus!


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