Friday, February 15, 2013

I Love The Upside-Down Kingdom Of God

There are some things we go through in life that we just aren't sure if we will see the light at the end of the tunnel.

As we read the Bible, we have the benefit of seeing the whole picture. The end of the story is obvious to us, but to the actual participants, the results were longer in coming. It's easy to believe everything is going to work out when you can turn the page and see the ending, but it's different if you are living through it.

We need to remember that just because something doesn't make sense to us or it's not the way we would do it, doesn't mean that it is wrong - especially when it comes to God. We don't have to understand, we just have to trust.

My faith has grown exponentially through these past 10 months by leaning on God. I cannot even begin to tell you all the ways He has changed my heart, and it hasn't always been pretty in the process because Satan has battled me each step of the way. I've learned (and have God gently remind me) to lay it all at His feet. All of it repeatedly, until I quit picking it back up!

I need to rest in the assurance that if it is to be, it isn't up to me. It's up to God. I give what I can give. And then wait for Him to give what only He can give. So, if He makes it happen without all my chaotic self-effort, then I will know it is His best. ....And if it doesn't happen, I will praise Him for saving me from myself.

God's plans aren't always logical in human eyes....God's ways are not our ways. But His ways can always be trusted! And sometimes in our greatest difficulties we find our greatest opportunities and blessed responsibilities.

In the upside-down Kingdom of God, we are strongest when we are weak. We stand tallest when we are on our knees. We humble ourselves and God lifts us up.....I love the upside-down Kingdom of God!

Today was a good day, even though it was not easy. There were unexpected inconveniences. There were hair-pulling moments which appeared to be more than I could handle. But somehow at the end of the day I know I'll breathe a sigh of relief as I whisper to myself, "Whew, God was ever present through it all and He is good."


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