Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It Begins And Ends With Faith

Faith is the essence of life, a sustaining force—like air, like food, like water, like love.

Our calling is to live out the gospel with humility and gratitude, pointing to the One who makes every good thing possible.

God needs people in all places, stations, and walks of life. There is no work that is more important than another's. When we catch a glimpse of God at work in someone’s life, when a prayer is answered, when we experience his presence in worship, then our faith is strengthened, then our courage is bolstered, then our trust increases.

God's plan for us is not somewhere in the future. It's here. It's now. It's even in the hard times.

God’s purpose for me is wherever I am—I don’t have to go and find it.

Sometimes -- actually, a lot of times -- my life feels unfabulous, unholy, unimportant. But I have to remember that because I am His, He is in me. I take Him wherever I go. I have the opportunity to introduce Him to everyone I meet, and that is the highest calling of all. We need to remember -- For some, the only Jesus that someone knows is the Jesus they see in you.

My purpose lies in my faithfulness, wherever I the good. the bad and the ugly. I pursue HIM and HE pursues His perfection in me. He desires me to see the world through His eyes, with His heart. There's no way for me to do that in my own strength. I don't want to show everyone a "mock perfection." I don't want to be a Barbie Christian. I want my life to be a humble, honest reflection of where I am in my walk with Him! Following Christ is not easy, but it's SO worth it. He is real, and so are His promises. All I have and all I am comes only from Him.


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