Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Realize The View Is Worth The Jump

Each passing day we are searching for what we are to learn. The lessons keep coming. The humility keeps rising....

Affliction is never meant for nothing....and I'm grateful for it. Admitting and accepting my weaknesses seem to have a way of proceeding the most empowering times in my life. But, we often consider our weaknesses inconveniences. However, God intends them to be opportunities. The Lord is not wanting me to just be okay with inconvenience. He wants me to choose to let my story collide with the inconvenience. For this is when inconveniences become opportunities....God opportunities.

In the beginning, I looked at my illness as an inconvenience, but God has shown me that it is more of an opportunity....An opportunity for me to let God use me and my story for His glory.

The fear of the unknown is not only nerve-racking; it can also cause us to live on pins and needles as we spend precious energy anticipating the worst-case scenario. What I’ve learned is this. Worrying about the future doesn’t change the future. I don't know what my future holds, but I trust the One who holds it. ❤

I also know His plans are hardly ever equal to our ideas on what's best. Sometimes what seems like a bad deal is actually God inviting us to experience Him in some way. If we don't submit to the situation, we may miss the opportunity. God doesn't need anything from us, He wants something for us....Realize the view is worth the jump.

Sometimes it comes down to deciding what is more important—the thing we need to do or yielding to our fear. Courage is not absence of fear as you might think. Rather, it withstands fear. Being courageous is being brave enough to move through our fears. How? We put our hope in God who will see us through. That’s the incredible truth about courage. It transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary.

Whatever God is calling you to do this is His promise. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9). Through you and me God can touch another, perhaps save a life. The possibilities are endless if you only have the nerve.

God doesn’t want us to run from fear but to be strong and courageous. He wants us to experience life abundantly! And yet, I’ve always found it interesting how the concept of playing it safe makes people choose to be miserable over being happy.

To have a life that you love requires some type of risk taking. You must learn to step out of your comfort zone and confront your fears....Realize the view is worth the jump. When I took a lean on faith, confronted my fears and trusted in God’s provision, a new life began to emerge based not on what I felt or feared, but what I believed. I believed God.

I know what you’re thinking. It’s easier to say we believe than it is to actually do it. So often we trust God in the abstract. Yes, he is a trustworthy God. Yes, he can save sinners in general. Yes, he will work it all out, generally speaking, for my good. But when the rubber meets the road, how do we take that first step of faith? What’s holding us back? Why do we give our cares to God and then retrieve them?

God doesn’t respond to our times of weakness by telling us to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps. No! He provides real help. God gives us supper natural strength when we call out in our weakness. In fact, God sometimes provides the answer to our cry before we ask, we just don't see it because it is overshadowed by our fear.

Sometimes God works in small quiet ways. Other times His actions are up there with the parting of the Red Sea. Whatever way God decides to work, experiencing Him always fills us with inner peace and strength for our journey.

Awful things may happen to us as a result of living in this fallen world, but our hope lies in God’s everlasting and unchanging love. The worst thing that can happen to a person is to never know the love and forgiveness of an Almighty God.

So I choose to let my story collide with the inconvenience: the inconvenience of unanswered medical questions, the inconvenience of feeling bad for nine months, and the inconvenience of the unknown. For now I see, all these inconveniences have become opportunities....God opportunities.

THE VIEW REALLY IS WORTH THE JUMP! Take that leap of faith!


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