Friday, January 25, 2013

Mayo Clinic: Day 5 Update

I finally got some answers this morning at my last appointment. PRAISE GOD!

I have a several things going on. I do have an issue with my thyroid in getting my medication at the right dosage. I was taking Synthroid 100mcg 5 weeks ago and had it lowered because my TSH was .06. After being on my new dose of 88mcg for 5 weeks, my TSH is 3.4. That is a big jump. The problem is there is no "in between" dose between 88mcg and 100mcg. So the endocrinologist at Mayo suggested that I take 88mcg and one day a week take an extra half to get that "in between" dose. I really wish he was practicing medicine in Greenville because he seems to be a great doctor. I guess that's why he is employed at Mayo Clinic.

I had a Neurology EMG yesterday morning and then had to go on "stand by" to see one of their neurologist, but was unable to get in to see one. So I have to see a Neurologist here in Greenville. My coordinating doctor was my Endocrinologist and he said that my EMG showed some abnormalities in the nerves in my head and face...possible Trigeminal neuralgia. This is a chronic pain condition that effects the Trigeminal or 5th cranial nerve, one of the largest nerves in the head. The disorder is more common in women than in men. There is some evidence that the disorder runs in families, perhaps because of an inherited pattern of blood vessel formation.

The Endocrinologist still wants me to have the MRA of the chest to make sure I do not have Vasculitis, which is an inflammation of your blood vessels. Vasculitis causes changes in the walls of your blood vessels, including thickening, weakening, narrowing and scarring.

There are many types of vasculitis. Some forms last only a short time (acute) while others are long lasting (chronic). Vasculitis, which is also known as angiitis and arteritis, can be so severe that the tissues and organs supplied by the affected vessels don't get enough blood. Hence, could be the reason I had a stroke of the optic nerve in my right eye. This shortage of blood can result in organ and tissue damage, even death.

I feel so blessed because I know that God probably saved me from a massive stroke or aneurism. I had much rather live with some vision loss than be paralyzed in a wheel chair, or worse.

My mother in law sent me a devotion before my last appointment this morning. It is by Max Lucado....God Knows More. This statement spoke to my heart: "God hears our requests. But His answer isn’t always what we’d like it to be. Because He knows more about life than we do. Don’t panic. Don’t bail out. Talk to your heavenly Father. He’s still in control!"

God has given us tools that we need to win the battle. It is in the fight that we gain strength. The struggle makes us stronger. While I am struggling, God is strengthening me. I am becoming stronger for the next battle.

God saves us everyday! He saves us from things we have no clue he has saved us from. And sometimes we won't know everything he has saved us from until we meet Him face to face.

Today, I consider every breath a gift from God. He gives life and He takes it back. It is His choice. Obviously, He still has more work for me to do. And I will proudly serve the One who died to set me free.


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