Monday, January 14, 2013

My Brokenness + His Faithfulness = My TESTimony

Well, my friends, I have to say today has not been a good day! I have been in a lot of pain. The right side of my face and neck is swollen and numb. (photos below) And my eye has been killing me! But the good thing about it all is, I'll be at Mayo Clinic this time next Monday! PRAISE GOD!!!....PRAYERS ARE MUCH APPRECIATED!!!

There is no TESTimony without the test!

God has given me a TESTimony and writing with transparency has always been something that I have done since I begin my journey in the blog world. I want people to see my brokenness so they can see His faithfulness. I have come to the conclusion that the messy years are only part of my story. My testimony is not just in the messy years – my testimony is also in what has come out of those trials and what will come out of the trials to come. These experiences shape me, strengthen my faith in God and create a passion in me to help others who have had similar experiences. And most importantly, my testimony reflects God's glory!

True faith demands true living. It’s hard to experience growth and progress if you are not moving forward. If I’m not moving, I have a tendency to sit back and settle for the comfortable and the familiar. Comfort zones can become deep trenches where we can become downright stagnant, spiritually.

God has called me a child of God but I have to choose to live this legacy. I want to live a faith filled...whole heartedly doing what the Lord has for me to do.

I have come to believe that God created us all with the potential to do big things, positively affect the lives of others, to love, to give, to have peace, to be MORE. "The courageous person feels afraid. But they use the fear to energize them forward rather than letting it hold them back." - Lysa TerKeurst.....I am just like Joshua. Joshua was scared too. God had to remind him several times to be strong and courageous. God reminds me that I am designed to be put in situations where I am scared. For these are the places that can’t be explained without the presence of the Holy Spirit. So I soak up courage that comes from following the will of God like a sponge. Because, in following the will of God, He gives courage in just the right amount, at just the right time. And that's where I want to be.

You may be going through life with blow after blow. And you may be wondering why God keeps sending these storms your way and when they will end. But, these are opportunities for you to draw closer to what you need most…your Heavenly Father. The thing is, God knows what it will take to move your heart. Some of you may find yourself in the middle of a hurricane, or perhaps right now you are trying to piece together your brokenness because that hurricane has already blown through without mercy. Give your brokenness to God. He will prove faithful and in turn you will have a testimony to share with others who need hope.

God wants His highest and best for your life. Jesus never said growth in Him would be pain-free. Pain-full indeed, but with such refining and worthy results. I’ll take it any day....And I do it joyfully/painfully clinging to His promises. Father, may I keep my focus on You today, not on the water that threatens to drown me or the fire that threatens to engulf me. I am Yours, and You will enable me to walk through the dangers that surround me....Amen!

No matter what challenges swirl around us, no matter how difficult or dark the road, we can count on our God. And when we are so weak we cannot stand, He will carry us through.

Today, ask Jesus for His perspective with your situation. Pray that He will give you eyes to see the end and by faith, trust Him in the middle!


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