Monday, January 7, 2013

Folded Arms Can't Fly

Appearances are deceiving. We are quick to judge based solely on what our eyes can see. Beauty and redemption are often discovered in the most unlikely places.

Opportunity doesn’t knock…opportunity is found when we choose to open our eyes and look for it. Sometimes we must walk down inconvenient paths to find it. But, the blessings along the way are life changing.

Each time I’ve stubbornly pursued a certain direction in my life without allowing God to do the leading and arranging, I’ve ended up disappointed and anxious. There is no peace when I reach my destination.

I know people often joke that they wish God would give them a billboard telling them which way they should be going. I would have to argue that God is constantly giving us billboards. And so often it says the same thing: Follow Me...Following takes action. Following is a decision. Following is an incredible, life-changing journey!

And you can’t follow and stay at the same time.

We need to change the way we change.

Remember that having the opportunity to journey into new territory is a privilege and an adventure. Life is more interesting and rewarding when we are put into situations that stretch and grow us.

Faith is sometimes both comforting and confusing. Although it's tempting at times to want to know why God allows things, how He could love us in a certain way, it's also comforting to know that I do not fully understand God. Would He be much of a God if my measly, mortal brain could fully fathom His ways?

Human tradition focuses on the thing we are trying to accomplish, the habit we are trying to start, or stop. But God wants me to focus on the person He wants me to become and the Person He wants me to know. The point of the process is relationship. The most beautiful truth about following Christ is His ability to reveal to us His limitlessness as we journey through the tough times. I think this must be the part of my relationship with Christ that I cherish the most. I love the way He is able to inject joy into our lives despite our circumstances. His Spirit gives us the ability to see things through His eyes. And, we are able to say with confidence the same thing Paul tells the church in Corinth. “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)

Life is one big lesson for us to learn. Each day is a new day to understand that lesson just little bit more. There is always a chance I will hit a wall or fall on my face…but I won't know until I take the next step…and you won't know either. The one lesson I keep learning over and over as I journey down this road is: The fear of starting is always worse than the act of doing. And the act of doing, whether you fail or whether you succeed, will always reap growth. There is always a lesson tucked away in the doing. Always! That is one thing I have to continually remind myself about change. It’s sometimes inconvenient. It’s sometimes uncomfortable. But we survive. And we normally come out the other side a little bit wiser and a lot more blessed!

Folded arms can't fly. But sometimes the butterflies need a little reminder where to fly. I am so thankful for the reminder that if we are willing then He is faithful to lead us into His beautiful presence.

I love that I serve a Guide who invites me to go with Him behind the scenes every single day in order to show me glimpses of His glory. "It’s not about finishing what you started, it’s about continuing what He has already finished.” - Steven Furtick


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