Friday, January 18, 2013

The Road To Greater Things Is Not Marked By Easy Answers

Often our feelings and emotions are mistakenly substituted for faith. Trials, conflicts, battles, and testings are tools God uses to shape us into the people we are meant to be. Our job is to rely on the in dwelling of Christ in our hearts, regardless of our feelings, as we walk obediently before Him. We get into trouble when we walk by feelings rather than by faith.

I have found in my own life that when God reigns in my heart, blessings and opportunities pour down faster than I can make them happen myself. The quickest way to get where you’re going is to surrender your dream to God and let Him work to fit you for it.

We are always in a hurry. God never is. While He has given us the vision of what we are to become, it may not be a reality in us yet. We have to let God work in our lives until we are ready. The dream is not what needs shaping. It’s us. Usually, God prepares us for our dreams though the adversity in our lives. Although, you shouldn’t become discouraged if it seems you’ll never reach your dream. No matter what your circumstances look like, God is at work shaping and preparing you for it. You and I may achieve some sort of success by our own pursuit, but it will never satisfy us like pursuing Jesus and waiting on Him to bring our dreams to pass.

Don't miss being a part of God's plan. There's a man in the Bible that almost missed Christmas. His name was Joseph. He was focusing on his feelings and emotions rather than his faith. He just couldn't see how his current circumstances were a part of God's plan for his life. What at first looked like a huge problem, a troubling circumstance, a total reputation-wrecker to Joseph, turned out to be the most glorious thing in his life when seen from God's perspective.

From this new viewpoint, Joseph saw what an honor it was to bear this burden. What a thrill to raise and know God's own son!

God's ways are not our ways. And sometimes in our greatest difficulties we find our greatest opportunities and blessed responsibilities.

If Joseph had walked away from Mary, he would have missed Christmas. And he would have missed the life-defining lesson that God's plans aren't always logical in human eyes, but they can be trusted!

This weekend my husband and I are traveling to Jacksonville, Florida to Mayo Clinic. We are leaving our boys here with my husband's parents. Both my boys, especially my youngest, are a little anxious because of the unknown. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as it will be hard for my husband and I to leave our boys here to travel to another state for medical advice. However, I am very optimistic that the doctors at Mayo Clinic will figure out a diagnosis for me and be able to incorporate a treatment plan. This has been a very long journey for me and my family and we are praying this trip will result in some long, awaited answers. I've never been so excited to be going to a place in all my life!!!! I know whatever I find out at Mayo Clinic this coming week, God intends it for my good. I am privileged beyond measure to be on this journey with our God. It is all about knowing He loves us and because His love is perfect we can trust His perfect plans, no matter what they are. Jesus is not my security against the storms of life, but He is my perfect security in the storms. He has never promised me an easy passage, only a safe landing.

Jesus is the answer for all our storm tossed seas in life. So spread your sail toward the storm and trust in Him who rules the raging seas. Sail away!

*I will be giving Mayo Clinic updates on my blog throughout the week, next week. Thank you for your prayers for me and my family.*


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