Friday, January 11, 2013

Whatever You're Doing Inside Of Me

There may be great work occurring in your life when things seem their darkest. You may see no evidence yet, but God is at work.

The real work of God for the children of Israel did not happen when they awoke that morning to find they could cross the Red Sea, but it occurred "all that night." God was just as much at work "all that night" as He was the next day, when the Israelites finally saw the evidence. The next day simply revealed what God had done during the night.

God works through the night until the morning light dawns. You, may not see it yet, but through the night of your life, as you trust Him, He works.

Faith can move mountains. Doubt can create them.

I am not one to complain much, although I have been guilty of doing it every now and then. My trip to Mayo Clinic is quickly approaching, but it has felt like an eternity to me. My symptoms have gradually gotten worse. I have felt awful, but have tried to continue my daily routine however, not without struggle. I am not telling you all this to complain, but to share my story. God's story. To show my brokenness, that His name be lifted high. I am thankful! Because even in my brokenness I have found so many gifts. I have been so blessed by my faithful God!

There is a Christian song by Sanctus Real that actually helps tell my story. It is called 'Whatever You're Doing.' The lyrics are so fitting and I would love for you to take a few minutes after you read my post to listen to the song.

My story, and the song goes something like this....There's a wave crashing over me. Whatever You're doing inside of me feels like chaos, but somehow there's peace. Am I doing everything to follow Your will or am I just climbing aimlessly over these hills? It feels like chaos, but I believe You're up to something bigger than me, larger than life, something heavenly. Show me what You want from me....I surrender to whatever You're doing inside of me. I'm giving in to something heavenly.

Lord, whatever You're doing inside of me feels like chaos, but now I see this is something bigger than me....Larger than life....Something heavenly.

God is ALWAYS working!....We just don't always pay attention. We become so focused on things we don’t have that we completely lose sight of things we do possess. And isn’t that what Satan does best? He tries to debilitate us through our perception. But being equipped with Truth enables us to face our trials from an entirely different perspective.

Do you have a need? God hears your prayers and will answer. Sometimes we have to be willing to look beyond our hopes for the answer and settle on the reality of the answer. God is good. He is faithful. He knows what is best and answers accordingly. Trust Him.

Before God can work through us, He must work in us! My old view: Focusing on the obstacle.
My new view: Focusing on the opportunity.

Sometimes our suffering is a backdrop for a ministry. The people who offer the most practical and beneficial advice are those who have walked in our shoes - and who kept walking even when their soles wore through.

Such people have helped me - and I, in turn, can help others. We may feel as if we have nothing to offer, but that is simply not so. By holding tightly to the hope we have, we can benefit those around us who are struggling to find hope of their own. In so doing, we help ourselves better understand the God in whom our hope lies.

It's hard to surrender to what we can't see. Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. When we run from God, we aren't merely just running - we're shrinking. We're aiding the Enemy! Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light....Jesus Christ!

So God, whatever You're doing inside of me, now I see...It's something bigger than me.


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